Founder’s Message
"A few thoughts…" is a column that our CMD Mr M.R. Jaishankar writes regularly for our house journal Brigade Insight. A few of his columns are reproduced here."
Dec 2012
IT'S a great feeling to know that our flagship project, Brigade Gateway, continues to be recognised with awards. The most recent one is from CNBC AWAAZ: for Orion Mall, the WTC office building and the residential buildings—allconsidered the Best in Class.
With the launch of our much awaited Brigade Pinnacle luxury apartments, we have made our maiden entry to the city of Mangalore. Similarly, with the launch of Brigade Serenity, we have taken the Brigade presence to Chikmagalur, which happens to be the home town of Brigade Group’s promoters. In Bangalore, we recently launched Brigade Omega, on Kanakapura Road. Bangalore will witness a number of new launches from Brigade Group in the coming months.
Our association with Sporting Edge—an initiative of the legendary Australian cricketer, Steve Waugh—should be a great boon to the residents of Brigade Orchards and those living in its neighbourhood. Apart from cricket, Sporting Edge will set up Academies for swimming, athletics, football and basketball.
Brigade’s 'Experience Centre', set up on the ground floor of our headquarters at World Trade Center Bangalore, in the Brigade Gateway enclave, is a one-stop-shop for marketing properties promoted by Brigade Group, across cities. I hope this initiative will be appreciated by prospective customers.
Barack Obama continuing as the President of the USA for a second term is expected to bring stability to their economy. This should help Indian software companies, who have become the prime employment generators for the Indian educated middle class. This should also auger well for the property scene across the country.
Unfortunately, the political scene in our country continues to be unstable. It is extremely sad that an economy which was zipping ahead a few years back, is now limping along slowly due to complacency, lack of good governance and political fights. This ‘one step forward; two steps back’ approach by our government has hurt our growth badly, resulting in a widening gap between China and India. We, as Indians, are rich in potential, but poor in the ability to deliver.
While allowing FDI in retail is a step in the right direction, the number of onerous conditions imposed is unlikely to bring the desired results.
Narendra Modi's re-election in Gujarat for the third time has shown real development and good governance will be appreciated by all classes, castes and religions. This should be a great lesson for other states to follow; particularly Karnataka, which is continuing to suffer due to the political chaos in the state during the last few years. The saving grace is the availability of educated manpower, the good nature of people and salubrious climate in many parts of the state, particularly in Bangalore. This draws investment, in spite of the poor macro-environment.
The Reserve Bank of India, in its wisdom, is continuing to keep the interest rates high. This, of course, may be helping in containing inflation, but it is affecting GDP growth. Experts feel the high interest rate regime is likely to continue for the next few years. We should be grateful for the spirit of Indian entrepreneurs, who continue to remain positive and eager to perform, despite a plethora of not-so-friendly policies and an uncertain political climate.
Continuing atrocities against women in our country, particularly in the nation’s capital, are a matter of great concern. Only severe punishment and quick delivery of justice can help overcome the shameful problem.
Continents away, a culture of wild lawlessness seems to be making an entry into the USA. Their love for guns has created enough and more problems by way of inhuman killings. Despite this, no lessons seem to have been learnt, with the majority seemingly disinclined to bring about a change in gun control policies.
The expected 'End of the World' as per the Mayan calendar hasn’t happened … thankfully! Mankind has survived. We can relax and celebrate—and welcome the New Year. So here’s wishing all of you season’s greetings and a great 2013.

M R Jaishankar
Executive Chairman, Brigade Group
The founder-CMD of Brigade Group, M.R. Jaishankar, comes from a reputed family of coffee planters from the hill town of Chikmagalur, in the Western Ghats, Karnataka. For over a hundred years, his family has been well known in the region for their business integrity and philanthropy.
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